Advanced Influencer Search options

You have unlimited searches among our extensive database of over 100,000 influencers based on:

  • Social media channel
  • Reach - Number of followers
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Engagement metrics
  • Category
  • Credibility
  • Commonly used hashtags

This search option is available in Discover, Manager Pro and Manager Enterprise subscription plans. 


You can change your filters and continue the same search for example in another country and add the fitting influencers from that search result to your selection as well.


You just created a full list of influencers you'd work with in just 3 minutes!


The Hashtag Search

We highly recommend using the hashtag search to find really niche influencers.

For example, you're looking for vegan influencers - of course, we have a food&drink category but not for each type of food, but we got you covered.

All you need to do type into the search bar the # and the word after it that you assume the influencers used in the past 12 months and our search engine will show you only those results that match.

Like #vegan


You can add several hashtags as well.

This will narrow your results so you can go after super fine details too.