Performance Tab

Get in-depth insights on the performance of you campaign managers as well as your overall business in the "Performance" tab.

You can select a campaign manager by clicking on the dropdown list in the upper left corner of the page. To view your overall business numbers, select My performance when logged in as the manager.

You can select the period, in which you want to examine the performance of your business from the upper right corner. You can also download all the data on the page by clicking on "Export all data" above the period selection

Check who your top 5 Clients and Influencers are under the two top 5 categories and get quick information about how well they've performed. 

Easily monitor the bonuses of each campaign manager on the last tab dedicated for this. You can see the calculated bonus number on the right side of the page and the fluctuation of the bonus throughout the last 12 month visualized in a chart.

You can also view a whole team's overall performance listed with every Campaign Manager.